The Mortgage Quarter Life Crisis Podcast
Hosted By Mike McDonnell (NMLS # 2221858) and Tara Vavrik (NMLS # 2301137). We're talking about real estate, home buying, and investment opportunities. Whether you're buying your first home or looking to build an empire of rental properties, we want to educate you on making the most of your money. Please understand that all information talked on this podcast is educational and not for advertisement. All scenarios talked on the show are to explain how certain mortgage products work. Please talk to a local mortgage professional for you're own personal needs. Have any questions? Email us at Mikem@hgmortgage.com, and we will answer them in the next up-and-coming episode! Need lending in Hawaii, or would like to work with us? Email Mikem@hgmortgage.com subject: Podcast Hawaii lending or Podcast work with us.
Podcasting since 2022 • 0 episodes